Sunday, November 9, 2008

Angulocaste var Tudor

These orchids are from remarkable group of terrestrial orchids with pronounced pseudobulbs and large spoon-shaped leaves. In summer they produce dramatic tuliplike flowers. These plants prefer cooler temperatures.

They need to be protected from the summer sun or their leaves will scorch, but in winter they prefer a lot of light. They also prefer winter dry rest with may be occasional misting, but watering should be resumed when spikes start to appear at the bases of the bulbs.

My orchid is variety Tudor and displays these beautiful large yellow tulip type scented flowers. Its not hard to grow and welcome addition to any orchid collection.


  1. Hello Orchid Lover! Glad you found my flower blog. I adore orchids too. You seem to be doing well with the cool growers (looking at your latest collection of photos). I have some of the warmer types under lights: Phals., Dendrobium, Oncidium.

  2. Hi and thank you for your kind words and thank you for sharing your blog.


  3. Hi and thank you for your kind words and thank you for sharing your blog.


  4. I love your blog. I am adding it to my sidebar.

  5. Love those yellow flowers...what a treat!
