Saturday, December 5, 2009

Cymbidium Orchid - Da Vinci "Charm"

This cymbidium orchid is one of the world's favourate - it loved by specific orchid growers and gardeners world wide for it's beautiful striking blooms. It's called Da Vinci "Charm" and its parentage Lunata x Hove.

Da Vinci "Charm" been around many years now and rightly recognized for it's very vigorous growth habit, strong flower spikes that carry huge showbench quality blooms of outstanding color.
My plant is a few years old and every season reliably flowers with these huge bright pink blooms - it's one of the gems in cymbidium orchids world.


  1. Very nice color - pink with some purple tones. I like it name too. It is charming, indeed!

  2. Greetings from Rhode Island
    I'm so happy I found your blog. I was bitten by the orchid bug several years ago, and I am very impressed by those cymbidiums!

    I have recently acquired my first Masdevallia. The rest of my collection consists of phals, paphs,a single oncidium and a lovely aerangis citrata. Most of my plants are in spike now.

    I have added a link to your blog.

  3. What an incredibly beautiful blog! I found your post on Blotanical to which I am thankful. I cannot believe the collection you have.. gorgeous and your photos are too. I have two cymbidiums that I never do anything for... one always give me at least two stems of blooms. I am so bad with potted creatures. I am determined to do better by them. I have a few other varieties that I am forgetting the names of right now. They always delight me with an offering though I hardly deserve it. You inspire me! Carol

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments and for checking out these beautiful nature's creations.

  5. Love that Cymbidium - very rarely do I see named varieties in the garden centres these days in the UK. They can be difficult to bring back into flower but you seem to have mastered that technique very well!

  6. That is a beauty. I have a couple of orchid send up bloom spikes.

  7. You're pictures are awesome. It is a real pleasure to open your blog and see all the orchid photos popping up. I searched for information about the cymbidium orchid and came to a really interesting called You might find it really useful as well. They have a big database with lots of plants and nice photos and videos as well. Unfortunately no pictre of the cymbidium. Maybe you should send them yours. Anyway, have a look at this page, I think you like it.
    Have a good Christmas time!

  8. Hi;
    Just discovered your blog. (Thx for the follow!) I am so happy to have found you. I don't have the best of luck with re-blooms so I'll you bet you can teach me a thing or two! Looking forward to following your posts.

  9. This is very beautiful. I only commonly see the yellows in garden shows.
